Wednesday, August 22, 2007

thoughts of the day

I feel so shitty today---

I am carrying this stupid fucking green bag around...

I have this surge of energy cos I have just recovered from the flu---& I have been miserable for four days...

I have some shit to do, so maybe that is why I am pissed off---I am doing something about it--no time to think about girls--

I am unhappy with my clothes...

need to get this dry cleaning done---I just hate carrying shit around---this anger I have---listening to lyrics---Open by the cure, The End by the doors

Showroom Dummies...Kraftwerk

I should do a podcast @ the cafe...

What about my fone---I need to spend more time organizing my shit, that's the problem, I just don't do anything---

Do I feel irritable today---@ least I have had a haircut & a shave...

I need a place to hang out to do my work...

I suppose I spend time researching on pop stars....

the effect of multimedia...

can i make poetry...

I am so confused ----the messages...

what sense can I make of all of this---do I want to be this lazy guy...everytime I feel lazy I must move on---I am over being sick, which is fantastic...

@ least I have some cash to do stuff with---not wasting it---I mean I did buy a mic but that has a lot of purpose particularly with my voice...

The only thing I need to do is to strategize with this chick @ the train station in the morning--

so funny she was away for a few days, & then yesterday she hid---but today she felt more confident, followed me right into the carriage... girls are like that, all shy @ first & then they want to rise to the challenge...

fucking wrong charger---so pissed off today...which happens often when I have a surge of energy....

but @ least crown tomorrow---to sing Karaoke with a live band...

I think I saw my cousin @ the station---is she trampin' school--she was sitting with some guy @ least---what do I have to say---@ my age I ain't to responsible....

I sort of hate southern cross station as well cos it is this man-made concrete ugliness next to the docklands....
the clothes that sets your class---a suit, a hospitality uniform,

Funny how with a surge of energy I get this drive---I have anger @ myself---like something has passed; before I was tired & miserable---such a nice feeling---I am feeling hot...

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