Thursday, November 25, 2010

Why We Need World War 3 (Political Satire)

Why We Need World War 3 (Political Satire)

Wars are terrible bloody and cruel. But the unfortunate truth about wars is that they open up job opportunities and land.  Nature has a way of balancing out.  The carnivore's devour the herbivore's to prevent the extinction of plants.  Without humans finding a way to colonise the galaxy, we are left to our own devices to destroy the planet. It is only natural to displace other living things.In fact many humans today have less morals than animals and that being the case, should they have more of a right to live than the animals we are wiping out??

I suggest the war start in Asia and we can use homosexuals, liberals and vegetarians as target practise for when the real war starts. Once we can decimate the population to less than a billion we can then use our scientific knowledge to live a life full of luxury.  (Ferrari's, Jets and big mansions for everyone!!) We can of course keep a breed of slaves to do all the menial tasks!!!

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