The Melodrama of Wikileaks
The progress of humanity does not involve bickering, fighting & squabbling. The Wikileaks melodrama that has erupted this week has hit the mainstream public arena hard. Focusing on the worst aspects of humanity, the squabblers, bickerers, gossipers are all having a field day, like a Home & Away or Neighbores sub-plot. These are all the people that prevent progress. If it wasn't for the clear reasoning and logic of scientists and engineers we would still be living in caves.
Perhaps Wikileaks is an intentional diversion from the failure of democratic western governments. The more that people fight with each other, the less time they have intelligently analyzing what is wrong.
Only until we have intelligent & reasonable people in positions of political power will we have a more just & fair society.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Are We Alone In The Universe
Are We Alone In The Universe
NASA recently made big headlines with the discovery of arsenic based life forms on earth. This caused a flurry on the Web about life outside of Earth.
Most people don't care about whether we are alone in the universe. But I don't care that most people don't care. Only 6.5 million people have read Neuromancer by William Gibson for example...
To me this is an important question (Life in the Universe) as far as my political point of view is concerned. If there is life outside of Earth is it intelligent. If it is intelligent it would make sense that they might not want their presence known.
Why would this be the case?
There could be a variety of reasons.
1. They could be planning to take over earth and so therefore are studying us & hiding until the time is right
2. They could be testing us and preventing us from expanding into the universe because we are too destructive
3. They could be using our energy to provide something for them
We cannot take NASA's word that their isn't life outside of earth. Can we really ever trust the government 100% of the time. The 1976 Viking mission to Mars is very suspicious, not to mention the face on Mars.
If I wanted to be 100% sure that their wasn't life outside of earth, there would be absolutely nothing suspicious in regards to this matter.
It seems like we are getting a step closer...
NASA recently made big headlines with the discovery of arsenic based life forms on earth. This caused a flurry on the Web about life outside of Earth.
Most people don't care about whether we are alone in the universe. But I don't care that most people don't care. Only 6.5 million people have read Neuromancer by William Gibson for example...
To me this is an important question (Life in the Universe) as far as my political point of view is concerned. If there is life outside of Earth is it intelligent. If it is intelligent it would make sense that they might not want their presence known.
Why would this be the case?
There could be a variety of reasons.
1. They could be planning to take over earth and so therefore are studying us & hiding until the time is right
2. They could be testing us and preventing us from expanding into the universe because we are too destructive
3. They could be using our energy to provide something for them
We cannot take NASA's word that their isn't life outside of earth. Can we really ever trust the government 100% of the time. The 1976 Viking mission to Mars is very suspicious, not to mention the face on Mars.
If I wanted to be 100% sure that their wasn't life outside of earth, there would be absolutely nothing suspicious in regards to this matter.
It seems like we are getting a step closer...
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Fantasy Machine Part 1
The Fantasy Machine Part 1
It is the year 2333 and the whole earth is like one huge shopping mall. In the centre of the earth is a huge Fantasy Machine. It derives its energy from the earth’s core and is one gigantic super computer. The human population lives a life of fantasy & leisure. There is no need for work as Man’s technology had conquered its environment.
Thought transference is the core-activity on the planet. A person would sit in a room and meditate. As their mind would slowly drift, their world would become real.
Today ZaZoX was bored. He had lived through many fantasies, but he was running out of ideas. He wanted to know more...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Why the cost of living & Energy Bills will always increase in Australia
Why energy bills will always increase in Australia
We should have Nuclear Power in Australia. Nuclear Power is far more cost effective, efficient and cleaner to the environment than coal. Swedish engineers have developed perfect ways to dispose of Nuclear waste, its only Achilles heel.
So why in Australia is energy so expensive when we have the largest Uranium reserves in the world?
It is all to do with politics. The greedy political elite (both Liberal & Labor Party) of this country have only had one politico-economic agenda over the past 20 years. Their agenda is mass 3rd world immigration into the country. I have no problem with sensible immigration policies. But the political elite’s only aim is to reduce the cost of wages and standards of living for their own nefarious communist purposes.
Instead of building a society full of intelligent and creative people, our political leaders like most other nations, are only interested in enslaving its people. No educating Australians here in science and creativeness. Their only interests have been the wonders of multi-culturalism and low-wage labor.
The Technocratic or Scientocratic Revolution
The Technocratic or Scientocratic Revolution
Revolutions are bloody & violent. That is the truth. It is an unfortunate part of the political process in removing the existing social order. If the Technocratic Revolution is to take place it will have to be bloody & violent. Those currently in the position of power in our current democratic/communist systems are not going to give over their Power easily. They also know they are part of a previous social order that is more primitive and animal like (hence animal farm), than the Technocratic revolutionaries. Their only response to their loss of power will be extremely violent and bloody. They have prepared for the inevitable, but they are extremely vulnerable, for they are extremely primitive.
Aristotle described two types of political revolution:
1. Complete change from one constitution to another
2. Modification of an existing constitution.[3]
A technocratic revolution will throw out all existing laws & social heirachies, and bring forth a fairer set of laws for mankind. The current Political elite will feel extremely threatened by this and using the classical scholar Alexis de Tocqueville ideas of revolution[12]between 1) political revolutions 2) sudden and violent revolutions that seek not only to establish a new political system but to transform an entire society and 3) slow but sweeping transformations of the entire society that take several generations to bring about , the most likely outcome will be sudden & violent.
Being Positive in the Workplace
Being Positive in the Workplace
If you want to be successful in the workplace then the #1 rule is not to be positive or negative. Most work is time consuming & monotonous. There are a small minority of people that work in the fields they have skills in. Unfortunately for most of us we can only work @ 1% of our capabilities due to the political systems put into place. Being positive suggests that you will want to do something interesting and something that you are suited for.
The political elite are only interested in low-wage slave labour. They have no interest in what you can offer nor what will benefit human society. Their only interest is in getting you to work long & boring labourious hours wasting time & energy. If you are positive in the workplace it will seem out of place. Being negative is also bad because you will be pointing out the unfortunate circumstance for everybody. You have to be a dumbed-down-worker-slave-bot to be successful, if you aren't one of the minority exploiters.
Although there are many websites, books & infomercials about being motivated, such as this
they are there just to hoodwink you into slavery. The idea behind these motivation sites is that they place the blame on you for your failure. They give no look at the political systems in place or any scientific reasoning behind the facts. In fact if everybody was happy with the status quo we would still be living in caves.
If you want to be successful in the workplace then the #1 rule is not to be positive or negative. Most work is time consuming & monotonous. There are a small minority of people that work in the fields they have skills in. Unfortunately for most of us we can only work @ 1% of our capabilities due to the political systems put into place. Being positive suggests that you will want to do something interesting and something that you are suited for.
The political elite are only interested in low-wage slave labour. They have no interest in what you can offer nor what will benefit human society. Their only interest is in getting you to work long & boring labourious hours wasting time & energy. If you are positive in the workplace it will seem out of place. Being negative is also bad because you will be pointing out the unfortunate circumstance for everybody. You have to be a dumbed-down-worker-slave-bot to be successful, if you aren't one of the minority exploiters.
Although there are many websites, books & infomercials about being motivated, such as this
they are there just to hoodwink you into slavery. The idea behind these motivation sites is that they place the blame on you for your failure. They give no look at the political systems in place or any scientific reasoning behind the facts. In fact if everybody was happy with the status quo we would still be living in caves.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
What is a Technocracy?
I have mentioned before that the ultimate form of government is a Technocracy whereby political decisions are made by scientists & engineers. This differs from our current communist/capitalist/democracy whereby econocrats and bureacrats enforce the political will of those in power for their own personal means. To me the goal of humanity is to progress. We should reward those who benefit all of mankind for now & the future.
With our current political systems there are imperfections and imbalances that creates a dystopia.
Eventually the short-sightedness of capitalism after a war builds up causing a stagnation in the economic & physical environment. In a planned economy, although efficient initially, it causes a lack of motivation in people due to a lack of reward for the one class proletariat.
With a Technocracy Scientists and Engineers make plans & goals for the future. People aren't voted into
postions of responisibilty by the Masses who are generally uneducated and unknoweldgeable in those fields.
People's abilities are measured by tests & exams (there is no pass rate). Those who are higher in certain fields (particularly logic) have more of an ability to choose. They will choose those that are responsible and make positive decisions for humanity.
Cities are formed & planned with a finite population size taken into consideration using the current available technologies. Rather than only having a few mega-cities, multiple cities are created. The fact that Technology keeps improving means that every now & then cities might need to be designed from the
ground up again. A multi-class system is in operation. It is possible through an individuals great creative processes and whose ideas improve the quality of life for humanity, that they can move up a class. This gives a sense of reward & positiveness to the population.
Immigration is treated far more seriously than how our current politicians treat the issue as a form of exploitation and a process towards slave labour.
Humans are animals as well, and we all vary genetically. For Human survival it is best that we have as many different races as possible. Creating a melting pot race or superior white/black/yellow/brown race are both incompatible with logic and nature. Every race has something special to offer. Out-breeding is known to cause many problems in many species of animals. Separate languages are kept to highlight the difference between races.
Rather than keeping a one-way directional plan of mass-immigration from third world countries to the first world that causes social incohesion and increasing poverty, a Technocracy would keep existing third world peoples in their homelands to build those countries up.
A modern Technocracy would realise that on Earth we are at present on a sinking ship. Our first goal is to populate in outer space as we are running out of resources here.
Most of the time spent after a Technocratic revolution would be spending time solving interstellar space travel.
More from me on how the Technocratic Revolution should take place...
I have mentioned before that the ultimate form of government is a Technocracy whereby political decisions are made by scientists & engineers. This differs from our current communist/capitalist/democracy whereby econocrats and bureacrats enforce the political will of those in power for their own personal means. To me the goal of humanity is to progress. We should reward those who benefit all of mankind for now & the future.
With our current political systems there are imperfections and imbalances that creates a dystopia.
Eventually the short-sightedness of capitalism after a war builds up causing a stagnation in the economic & physical environment. In a planned economy, although efficient initially, it causes a lack of motivation in people due to a lack of reward for the one class proletariat.
With a Technocracy Scientists and Engineers make plans & goals for the future. People aren't voted into
postions of responisibilty by the Masses who are generally uneducated and unknoweldgeable in those fields.
People's abilities are measured by tests & exams (there is no pass rate). Those who are higher in certain fields (particularly logic) have more of an ability to choose. They will choose those that are responsible and make positive decisions for humanity.
Cities are formed & planned with a finite population size taken into consideration using the current available technologies. Rather than only having a few mega-cities, multiple cities are created. The fact that Technology keeps improving means that every now & then cities might need to be designed from the
ground up again. A multi-class system is in operation. It is possible through an individuals great creative processes and whose ideas improve the quality of life for humanity, that they can move up a class. This gives a sense of reward & positiveness to the population.
Immigration is treated far more seriously than how our current politicians treat the issue as a form of exploitation and a process towards slave labour.
Humans are animals as well, and we all vary genetically. For Human survival it is best that we have as many different races as possible. Creating a melting pot race or superior white/black/yellow/brown race are both incompatible with logic and nature. Every race has something special to offer. Out-breeding is known to cause many problems in many species of animals. Separate languages are kept to highlight the difference between races.
Rather than keeping a one-way directional plan of mass-immigration from third world countries to the first world that causes social incohesion and increasing poverty, a Technocracy would keep existing third world peoples in their homelands to build those countries up.
A modern Technocracy would realise that on Earth we are at present on a sinking ship. Our first goal is to populate in outer space as we are running out of resources here.
Most of the time spent after a Technocratic revolution would be spending time solving interstellar space travel.
More from me on how the Technocratic Revolution should take place...
The Apple Conundrum, ios 4.2, Lion, Apple TV, iPad
Is Apple at its zenith. As marketer of the decade can Apple keep it up. When I first bought the Apple iPhone 3G Australia it was new and I felt more special than everybody else!!!! After using Palm PDA's for many years, I always liked the feeling of being technologically ahead of everybody, for my own selfish grandiose purposes.
Now women love IPhone's, every uni student just about owns a bloody Mac and it is the #1 product going around.
I am just waiting for Bill Gates to return to Microsoft and bring Apple down to earth. I am not the biggest Apple fanboy even though I own quite a few Apple Products (If I had it my way I would own an Atari).
I am frustated with the lack of DVD/Bluray playback in Itunes and Apple TV. I had to return an imac recently because the bluetooth module inside died (which is a common problem on many forums). OS 10.6 is barely different from 10.5 or 10.4 or 10.3. Will Lion bring anything out Revolutionary?
It seems like Apple's is under pressure to move units, experiencing many quality control issues with the latest imacs and macbook airs:
iOS 4.2 has been very impressive so far, in as-far as not causing any problems with the update process. Many times previously when updating my iphone I have experienced a multitude of issues.This time around played out real smooooooth.
But I so want itunes to have lossless music at cheaper prices and dvd support. They should be working on that rather than promoting the Hell out of a 1960s boy band known as the Beatles.
IPad is a fad. If I want something that size I want a Kindle so I can read outside. If I need something portable & indoors I can get something more powerful with a keyboard for half the price.
Apple feels like it is stagnating and just ripe for a competitor to come in & take some market share.
Now women love IPhone's, every uni student just about owns a bloody Mac and it is the #1 product going around.
I am just waiting for Bill Gates to return to Microsoft and bring Apple down to earth. I am not the biggest Apple fanboy even though I own quite a few Apple Products (If I had it my way I would own an Atari).
I am frustated with the lack of DVD/Bluray playback in Itunes and Apple TV. I had to return an imac recently because the bluetooth module inside died (which is a common problem on many forums). OS 10.6 is barely different from 10.5 or 10.4 or 10.3. Will Lion bring anything out Revolutionary?
It seems like Apple's is under pressure to move units, experiencing many quality control issues with the latest imacs and macbook airs:
iOS 4.2 has been very impressive so far, in as-far as not causing any problems with the update process. Many times previously when updating my iphone I have experienced a multitude of issues.This time around played out real smooooooth.
But I so want itunes to have lossless music at cheaper prices and dvd support. They should be working on that rather than promoting the Hell out of a 1960s boy band known as the Beatles.
IPad is a fad. If I want something that size I want a Kindle so I can read outside. If I need something portable & indoors I can get something more powerful with a keyboard for half the price.
Apple feels like it is stagnating and just ripe for a competitor to come in & take some market share.
Escalator Land
There shall be a world full of escalators, like those in the mall & the flat escalators at Airports. Instead of driving to the shops you go outside your door onto an escalator.
Top 5 list of how the New World Order will eradicate 6 billion people
There are many conspiracies on the interwebs about how the NWO plan to eliminate 6 billion people.
The Georgia Guidestones probably gives most fuel to the fire of this particular conspiracy.
This monument exists in the USA and has an inscription stating that we must maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature, amongst other "commandments" & messages. I really recommend reading about the Georgia Guidestones and for you to come up with your own conclusions.
Anyway, I have decided to come up with a list of 5 of the best ways the NWO could eradicate 6 billion people for their future plans of absolute world domination. I of course don't endorse any of this.
1. Mass Suicide of 6 Billion People
This would be the most effective way of wiping out 6 billion "useless eaters". Use the Mass Media, subliminal messages & (MK Ultra) Mind Control techniques to promote a worldwide suicidal cult, similar to Heaven's Gate. Get everybody to kill themselves in a self-made grave at a certain date & time.'s_Gate_(religious_group)
2. Moonraker 1979--James Bond 11th movie--Plot of Global Genocide
3. Gas Chambers
Well it worked in WW2. Simply start transporting people into trains offering them free showers. The problem with this plan is it is expensive, you need to build showers and produce gases. Also people might get a sense of de ja vu and be suspicious even through Mind Control Techniques.
4. Nuclear Armageddon
Simply take control of any Nuclear nation and start bombing away. Get China to nuke India & USA. USA responds by nuking Russia & India responds by nuking Pakistan. Pakistan nukes Israel. Israel nukes the middle east. Iran nukes Europe. China nukes Australia to make it global.
The problem with this plan is that it is very expensive. They could use the uranium to produce energy rather than killing people. If people commit suicide it is far more efficient. Also having to sit out after the nuclear fall out would also be boring. The nuclear holocaust would also wipe out animals & plants.
5. Use Machines to wipe out humans using Terminators & killer nano bots etc.
Once again the problem with this plan is it is expensive and would utilise a lot of energy. Also people might be able to destroy the machines before they could annihilate 6 billion people. Probably nano-bots that crawl into your orifices would be the best way to kill people as it would be un-noticed. Also would the machines turn against the NWO creators too?
The Georgia Guidestones probably gives most fuel to the fire of this particular conspiracy.
This monument exists in the USA and has an inscription stating that we must maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature, amongst other "commandments" & messages. I really recommend reading about the Georgia Guidestones and for you to come up with your own conclusions.
Anyway, I have decided to come up with a list of 5 of the best ways the NWO could eradicate 6 billion people for their future plans of absolute world domination. I of course don't endorse any of this.
1. Mass Suicide of 6 Billion People
This would be the most effective way of wiping out 6 billion "useless eaters". Use the Mass Media, subliminal messages & (MK Ultra) Mind Control techniques to promote a worldwide suicidal cult, similar to Heaven's Gate. Get everybody to kill themselves in a self-made grave at a certain date & time.'s_Gate_(religious_group)
2. Moonraker 1979--James Bond 11th movie--Plot of Global Genocide
<Spoiler Alert>
Utilise Drax 's plan to destroy all human life by launching fifty globes containing toxins into the Earth's atmosphere. As the NWO have built underground cities and Space Stations they just need to sit it out, until Earth returns to normal. The only problem with this plan is that they have to "sit it out" which could be boring. Also, animal & plant life might be affected.
Well it worked in WW2. Simply start transporting people into trains offering them free showers. The problem with this plan is it is expensive, you need to build showers and produce gases. Also people might get a sense of de ja vu and be suspicious even through Mind Control Techniques.
4. Nuclear Armageddon
Simply take control of any Nuclear nation and start bombing away. Get China to nuke India & USA. USA responds by nuking Russia & India responds by nuking Pakistan. Pakistan nukes Israel. Israel nukes the middle east. Iran nukes Europe. China nukes Australia to make it global.
The problem with this plan is that it is very expensive. They could use the uranium to produce energy rather than killing people. If people commit suicide it is far more efficient. Also having to sit out after the nuclear fall out would also be boring. The nuclear holocaust would also wipe out animals & plants.
5. Use Machines to wipe out humans using Terminators & killer nano bots etc.
Once again the problem with this plan is it is expensive and would utilise a lot of energy. Also people might be able to destroy the machines before they could annihilate 6 billion people. Probably nano-bots that crawl into your orifices would be the best way to kill people as it would be un-noticed. Also would the machines turn against the NWO creators too?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
too dream
A multitude of PHAT analogue synthesis vibrates in my ear @ a multitude of directions, giving me a super-aural sensation of the most heinous, fantastical, super hi-fidelious manner!! The Octo-phonic 10" analogue tape reel runs a mix of the most brilliant wunder-synths to have ever been invented. The Moog, Arp, Roland Jupiter 8, Yamaha cs80, Oberheim OBX and many more all playing beyond equal temperament & 4/4 beats with glissandos, portamentos and arpeggios in the most awe inspiring fashion!
How to make 1 cent writing Blogs
It is official I have finally earnt 1 cent writing my blogs. Even though the purpose of my blogs is purely creative and a messageboard for anyone out of the 7 billion humans, I couldn't help but to try and earn some hard-earned $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Just simply select monetize using Google Blogger!!
It is official I have finally earnt 1 cent writing my blogs. Even though the purpose of my blogs is purely creative and a messageboard for anyone out of the 7 billion humans, I couldn't help but to try and earn some hard-earned $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Just simply select monetize using Google Blogger!!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Paradise on Earth
Paradise on Earth
Most people would have a different view on what should constitute a Paradise on Earth. Some might think of a never-ending beach with no dangerous sea animals (particularly sharks) whilst others might want a huge liquor shop.
There is no reason why we couldn't have a Paradise on Earth if we didn't put our minds to it.
To me the ultimate Paradise on Earth would be the combination of a Technocracy (A political system where the decisions are made by scientists & engineers rather than Econocrats & Bureaucrats), in balance with Nature & the Cosmos.
I will be talking further about this "perfect blend of idealogies" in future blogs.
Most people would have a different view on what should constitute a Paradise on Earth. Some might think of a never-ending beach with no dangerous sea animals (particularly sharks) whilst others might want a huge liquor shop.
There is no reason why we couldn't have a Paradise on Earth if we didn't put our minds to it.
To me the ultimate Paradise on Earth would be the combination of a Technocracy (A political system where the decisions are made by scientists & engineers rather than Econocrats & Bureaucrats), in balance with Nature & the Cosmos.
I will be talking further about this "perfect blend of idealogies" in future blogs.
Why I dislike Communism
There was always something hideous and offensive I found about the concept of communism. I think it is to do with the notion of the glorification of the "working class". I could always see through the faux pas.
The dystopian stasis we experience is something that is forced upon most of us. It doesn't have to be that way. Communism is the philosophy to enslave people. The suppression of knowledge is hidden by the few to stop giving us hope.
Blakes 7 episode 3, series 1 Cygnus Alpha's_7_episodes#Series_A
Cygnus Alpha explores how leaders use poison to subdue the population and keep them imprisoned on an isolated planet. Likewise in our current state, rather than trying to advance the human species, our leaders constantly give propaganda to keep us enslaved on the planet. The slave labour in countries such as India & China is increasing but we fail to see...,8599,1635144,00.html
Is our goal for humanity to create slave labour and ipods?
We should be focusing on interstellar exploration for the advancement of our species. Instead we are forced to work long lethargic hours wasting time, (to stop us from thinking & being truly independant & productive) to be imprisoned on the planet with poison from the sky and the food that we eat.
We don't have to live like this but the people are lazy..
All that year the animals worked like slaves. But they were happy in their work; they grudged no effort or sacrifice, well aware that everything they did was for the benefit of themselves and those of their kind who would come after them, and not for a pack of idle, thieving human beings."
- George Orwell, Animal Farm, Ch. 6
The dystopian stasis we experience is something that is forced upon most of us. It doesn't have to be that way. Communism is the philosophy to enslave people. The suppression of knowledge is hidden by the few to stop giving us hope.
Blakes 7 episode 3, series 1 Cygnus Alpha's_7_episodes#Series_A
Cygnus Alpha explores how leaders use poison to subdue the population and keep them imprisoned on an isolated planet. Likewise in our current state, rather than trying to advance the human species, our leaders constantly give propaganda to keep us enslaved on the planet. The slave labour in countries such as India & China is increasing but we fail to see...,8599,1635144,00.html
Is our goal for humanity to create slave labour and ipods?
We should be focusing on interstellar exploration for the advancement of our species. Instead we are forced to work long lethargic hours wasting time, (to stop us from thinking & being truly independant & productive) to be imprisoned on the planet with poison from the sky and the food that we eat.
We don't have to live like this but the people are lazy..
It's Xmas time: Jesus, Masada & Ancient Rome
It's Xmas time: Jesus, Masada & Ancient Rome
As it gets close to Xmas time in Australia I can't help but think of Jesus, Israel & Ancient Rome. Apart from Xmas feeling "out of season" in Australia as it is based on a winter festival (the winter solstice on December 21st), the hot weather at this time of year down under, reminds of me of Masada.
I suppose it is the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls that also contributes to me thinking of Masada at Xmas time. The journey from Jerusalem to Masada will take you past the famous cave of the "essene cult", the Hebrew sect that did not want to live under Roman Domination.
Having lived in the old city of Jerusalem, my morning walk consisted of walking past the famous cardo every morning.
I couldn't help but to think of Ancient Rome every morning. I came to despise this, because Ancient Rome belongs in Italy not Israel. As grand as the architecture of Ancient Rome, to me it represented something that felt out of place.
As it gets close to Xmas time in Australia I can't help but think of Jesus, Israel & Ancient Rome. Apart from Xmas feeling "out of season" in Australia as it is based on a winter festival (the winter solstice on December 21st), the hot weather at this time of year down under, reminds of me of Masada.
I suppose it is the Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls that also contributes to me thinking of Masada at Xmas time. The journey from Jerusalem to Masada will take you past the famous cave of the "essene cult", the Hebrew sect that did not want to live under Roman Domination.
Having lived in the old city of Jerusalem, my morning walk consisted of walking past the famous cardo every morning.
The Cardo in the Old City of Jerusalem
One couldn't help but feel impressed by the Roman Engineering at Masada. Even thousands of years after its destruction, the stone building would still provide a cool feeling amongst the blazing hot sun of the Middle Eastern desert. But as impressive as this amazing palace of Herod the not so Great was, the question I ask, was the Roman Expansion worth it?
Couldn't the Romans just be contented with living in present day Italy? Did they have to push the Celts all the way to Ireland from the continent. Did they have to try to take over every country and enslave them?
This is the story around Jesus time. It is the battle of the Roman Empire against the World.
The Roman Empire at its greatest extent under Trajan in AD 117.
This Roman system was out of date 2000 years ago and it certainly is today, yet we still use the absurd Roman Calendar today. A calendar that is technically inaccurate in regards to the interpretation of months (derived from the moon) and the seasons. Days of the month must be equally split alternatively with 29 & 30 days respectively to reflect the 29.5 day cycle of the moon. Why is February only 28 days?
Why the Victorian Liberal Party won't make a difference in the state.
It is official. The Victorian Labor Party has lost and it's archenemy the Liberals are in. All the Masses are fooled into thinking these two parties are polar opposities, whereas the reality is that they are batting on the same team.
From a Technocratic standpoint both parties represent inefficiency, imbalance and Orwellian Destruction. Having recently worked for the government I am not surprised to see the current government getting kicked out. After being given a workload of 5 people as a contractor from the previous government, I have come to realise that the managers I had been involved with are generally wasteful, lazy & inefficient middle management creatures.
But nothing will change with the Victorian Liberal Party because they are the same inefficient democratic party that labor is, the same entropic values of Ancient Rome (notice how the parliament buildings of the West represent the Roman).
Australian cities were designed over 100 years ago and today the governments have failed to take that into account. Transportation by car & train have not been planned over significant expanding areas. The whole mass immigration thing has been brought about with a lack of vision and planning. Why couldn't we spread out all our recently arrived immigrants, rather than concentrate them into our cities and place a huge burden on our infrastructure.
This is happening all over the world. Genuine Refugees are not given the chance to migrate, while economic migrants continue to place a burden on existing infrastructures; encouraged by greedy business moguls, that forever want to decrease the price of wages until our wages are "Orwellian" slave labour.
"that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man's and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacency men went to and fro over this globe about their little affairs, serene in their assurance of their empire over matter. It is possible that the infusoria under the microscope do the same"
More from me later on how a Technocratic government, that is in tune with nature & the cosmos, is the ultimate form of government. I will also point out how our modern form of governments in the West, is based on an out of date political system, the inefficient Ancient Roman Empire & "slave inducing" Communism. A system that is a failure for the human race, and only benefits the dystopian vision of the melancholic despots that should not be behooved in their positions of power.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
When I am far away she laughs out loud...
but when I am close she looks the other way...
but in the corner of my eye I see a quick glance...
or a pretending that she is looking at some-1 else...
"So near, so far away
We pass each other by 'cause we don't know what to say
It's so clear, I'm sorry to say
But if you wanna win you gotta learn how to play "
but when I am close she looks the other way...
but in the corner of my eye I see a quick glance...
or a pretending that she is looking at some-1 else...
"So near, so far away
We pass each other by 'cause we don't know what to say
It's so clear, I'm sorry to say
But if you wanna win you gotta learn how to play "
Why Democracies don't work
They don't work. It is official, democracies are an illusion created by the psuedo-elite, to give the masses a false hope that they can make a difference.
The Masses are fooled that their once in every 4 years vote, will make a difference in their lives. The irony is the Masses keep voting a different shade of left-wing government, that is full of lazy and inefficient bureaucrats and econocrats.
In Australia the people are unsure, they don't like either party, in our 2 party system of Labor or Liberals. I believe this situation has created a hung parliament in the federal & state. The Masses feel the mismanagement, the rise in the cost of living, the increasing unpleasantness forced upon us by incompetent leaders.
It all starts with the Mass Media's enforcement of democracy as the only sort of solution that we can have in today's society, but is an old "out of date" notion that was as much of a failure in ancient Greece as it is today.
As much as our business leaders push for more & more into their own greedy pockets at the expense of others, wise people must ascertain that there is always an important consideration of a fine balance between us & what earth provides.
Logan's Run (1976) is probably the only Hollywood movie that makes an attempt to look at the balance of human populations and economies. Whereas our current Business Moguls push for 50 million + people in Australia, the reality is that this might cause a sinking ship for everyone.
The Gorilla Mama's in surburbia with their huge 4wd are a sign or warning of Orwellian Greed that has infiltrated too large in our society. Although what appears as seemingly harmless, these Grisley Mama's are a symptomatic sign of inefficient greed and unrealistic dreams that cause huge imbalances in our society.
People need to be ruled by a system that is just & fair, they don't need or want "Democratic Propaganda".
Revolutions can be violent. The ruling elite that has cheated and lied their way to wealth cause massive imbalances that build up as a reservoir of anger & violence in the peoples. It seems like we are moving backwards in the 21st century which is why we need a new system, a break from the ruling elites "Animal Farm-esque" Communism/Capitalism.
The cycle of Monarchy, Aristocracy, Oligopoly & Democracy must be broken and a new way, Technocracy must be put in place. But this Technocracy must also be in tune with nature & the cosmos.
The Masses are fooled that their once in every 4 years vote, will make a difference in their lives. The irony is the Masses keep voting a different shade of left-wing government, that is full of lazy and inefficient bureaucrats and econocrats.
In Australia the people are unsure, they don't like either party, in our 2 party system of Labor or Liberals. I believe this situation has created a hung parliament in the federal & state. The Masses feel the mismanagement, the rise in the cost of living, the increasing unpleasantness forced upon us by incompetent leaders.
It all starts with the Mass Media's enforcement of democracy as the only sort of solution that we can have in today's society, but is an old "out of date" notion that was as much of a failure in ancient Greece as it is today.
As much as our business leaders push for more & more into their own greedy pockets at the expense of others, wise people must ascertain that there is always an important consideration of a fine balance between us & what earth provides.
Logan's Run (1976) is probably the only Hollywood movie that makes an attempt to look at the balance of human populations and economies. Whereas our current Business Moguls push for 50 million + people in Australia, the reality is that this might cause a sinking ship for everyone.
The Gorilla Mama's in surburbia with their huge 4wd are a sign or warning of Orwellian Greed that has infiltrated too large in our society. Although what appears as seemingly harmless, these Grisley Mama's are a symptomatic sign of inefficient greed and unrealistic dreams that cause huge imbalances in our society.
People need to be ruled by a system that is just & fair, they don't need or want "Democratic Propaganda".
Revolutions can be violent. The ruling elite that has cheated and lied their way to wealth cause massive imbalances that build up as a reservoir of anger & violence in the peoples. It seems like we are moving backwards in the 21st century which is why we need a new system, a break from the ruling elites "Animal Farm-esque" Communism/Capitalism.
The cycle of Monarchy, Aristocracy, Oligopoly & Democracy must be broken and a new way, Technocracy must be put in place. But this Technocracy must also be in tune with nature & the cosmos.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Technocratic Manifesto Part 1
1. Technocrat vs Prole
The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of technical struggles.
Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guild-master [3] and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights, plebians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations.
Too many times the dumb & stupid have ruled over the intelligent man, and this causes imbalances in society as cities become in-efficient, resources become scarce and costs increase.
More to come...
underground trains
underground trains
I have always had this fantasy since my adolescence that there are hidden underground stations that have a train network for a secret super society.
To my astonishment I actually read this as a conspiracy here
"Based on 1989 information, it was claimed that there were at least 75 underground cities in existence below the soil of America interconnected by high speed, frictionless trains called Maglevtrains (Magnetic Levitation). The former Atomic Energy Commission had also constructed 22 seperate underground cities for their own use.(1) [Update: In 1995, Phil Schneider said that there were 129 underground cities and in May of 2001, Stewart Swerdlow, former mind controlled "Montauk Boy" , claimed that there now exists 133 underground cities in North America. Al Bielek also claims that there are many hundreds of underground cities and bases built worldwide]"
Are any thoughts original?
Well I sure hope my world of escalator transportation is!!!
I have always had this fantasy since my adolescence that there are hidden underground stations that have a train network for a secret super society.
To my astonishment I actually read this as a conspiracy here
"Based on 1989 information, it was claimed that there were at least 75 underground cities in existence below the soil of America interconnected by high speed, frictionless trains called Maglevtrains (Magnetic Levitation). The former Atomic Energy Commission had also constructed 22 seperate underground cities for their own use.(1) [Update: In 1995, Phil Schneider said that there were 129 underground cities and in May of 2001, Stewart Swerdlow, former mind controlled "Montauk Boy" , claimed that there now exists 133 underground cities in North America. Al Bielek also claims that there are many hundreds of underground cities and bases built worldwide]"
Are any thoughts original?
Well I sure hope my world of escalator transportation is!!!
Self Improvement Articles
I sort of have in interest in self-improvement articles at the moment such as the following...
I always find them quite amusing, and there are a few good tips here & there. But "cheating" yourself that life is really good when it isn't, isn't really right. Be prepared for the letdown. There are structual impossibilties with having the successful career opportunities that everyone strives for. There are simply not enough jobs to go around. That is why I think a belief in reincarnation is the ultimate healer.
Many people have disappointing lives. Some get chronic illnesses & conditions. Others die at an early age.There are so many people if given the right chances could achieve much more, but due to circumstance are restricted.
My belief is that when you die you receive a judgement, like the Egyptian: Judgment of the Dead
From your results after the judgement you are then able to choose what sort of life (avatar) you are to have next.
I always find them quite amusing, and there are a few good tips here & there. But "cheating" yourself that life is really good when it isn't, isn't really right. Be prepared for the letdown. There are structual impossibilties with having the successful career opportunities that everyone strives for. There are simply not enough jobs to go around. That is why I think a belief in reincarnation is the ultimate healer.
Many people have disappointing lives. Some get chronic illnesses & conditions. Others die at an early age.There are so many people if given the right chances could achieve much more, but due to circumstance are restricted.
My belief is that when you die you receive a judgement, like the Egyptian: Judgment of the Dead
From your results after the judgement you are then able to choose what sort of life (avatar) you are to have next.
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night, I used to wake up, with this sensation of a small being in my room. It occurred on & off over many many years. But now "it" has gone. It felt more than a dream. Was this a visitation or part of the dream state. To be honest it felt quite scary, I felt like I was being taken away to something, I did not want to partake in. This gave me an interest in alien abduction...
and to my horror several years ago, I found out I had a mysterious piece of metal in my hand, which still hurts me today.
oh yes i remember the struggle, the force...
and to my horror several years ago, I found out I had a mysterious piece of metal in my hand, which still hurts me today.
oh yes i remember the struggle, the force...
Fait Accompli
too feel so breathless and hopeless....the frustration of being alone & stagnated...the inability of the world to progress and move up...the lack of motivation, for being stuck in a situation, you don't want to be in...
for being born in the wrong place at the wrong feel like you are in a computer game, where you can't jump outside the maze...
the stasis, the madness of the ants marching in time to the droning beat of repetition...
A Personal Reflection
A Personal Reflection
It had soon come apparent to me, that early on in my career, trying too hard in the workplace put "moi" in a dangerous situation. By being a good worker it places pressure on your employers to give you a pay-rise, which is a very bad no-no. Intelligence is espoused negatively. Employers want to pay as little as possible and there are reduced odds in todays modern world for being promoted.
The world is a tale of "the emperors new clothes". To be a slave and put up with the status quo is not something I agree with. You must stand up for what is right; I shall only accept order that is righteous.
It had soon come apparent to me, that early on in my career, trying too hard in the workplace put "moi" in a dangerous situation. By being a good worker it places pressure on your employers to give you a pay-rise, which is a very bad no-no. Intelligence is espoused negatively. Employers want to pay as little as possible and there are reduced odds in todays modern world for being promoted.
The world is a tale of "the emperors new clothes". To be a slave and put up with the status quo is not something I agree with. You must stand up for what is right; I shall only accept order that is righteous.
Why We Need World War 3 (Political Satire)
Why We Need World War 3 (Political Satire)
Wars are terrible bloody and cruel. But the unfortunate truth about wars is that they open up job opportunities and land. Nature has a way of balancing out. The carnivore's devour the herbivore's to prevent the extinction of plants. Without humans finding a way to colonise the galaxy, we are left to our own devices to destroy the planet. It is only natural to displace other living things.In fact many humans today have less morals than animals and that being the case, should they have more of a right to live than the animals we are wiping out??
I suggest the war start in Asia and we can use homosexuals, liberals and vegetarians as target practise for when the real war starts. Once we can decimate the population to less than a billion we can then use our scientific knowledge to live a life full of luxury. (Ferrari's, Jets and big mansions for everyone!!) We can of course keep a breed of slaves to do all the menial tasks!!!
Wars are terrible bloody and cruel. But the unfortunate truth about wars is that they open up job opportunities and land. Nature has a way of balancing out. The carnivore's devour the herbivore's to prevent the extinction of plants. Without humans finding a way to colonise the galaxy, we are left to our own devices to destroy the planet. It is only natural to displace other living things.In fact many humans today have less morals than animals and that being the case, should they have more of a right to live than the animals we are wiping out??
I suggest the war start in Asia and we can use homosexuals, liberals and vegetarians as target practise for when the real war starts. Once we can decimate the population to less than a billion we can then use our scientific knowledge to live a life full of luxury. (Ferrari's, Jets and big mansions for everyone!!) We can of course keep a breed of slaves to do all the menial tasks!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Technocracy vs Democracy (The Technocratic Revolution)
The Technocratic Revolution
The first steps after the revolution of replacing our democracy with a Technocratic elite, would be removing those in the position of power, that have less knowledge of computers than a 10 year old!!! This would generate a lot of money in the economy, because all of a sudden there would be billions of dollars in "lost" revenue.
Although there is a lot more to technology than computers, I have been frustrated many times when working in the IT industry, with having to work with fat managers and unattractive P.A's, that have no idea about IT. They seem to be more interested in games of Golf than understanding what type of workload to give to its IT staff.
The first steps after the revolution of replacing our democracy with a Technocratic elite, would be removing those in the position of power, that have less knowledge of computers than a 10 year old!!! This would generate a lot of money in the economy, because all of a sudden there would be billions of dollars in "lost" revenue.
Although there is a lot more to technology than computers, I have been frustrated many times when working in the IT industry, with having to work with fat managers and unattractive P.A's, that have no idea about IT. They seem to be more interested in games of Golf than understanding what type of workload to give to its IT staff.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
iOS 4.2 Delay
I guess in a few months the 4.2 update for iOS will have felt like a blip in the radar. But for iPad users this month, the holy grail of multi-tasking seems to be like the second coming of Jesus, failing to materialize.
Apple is currently at an all time high with 20% of market share of PC's in the US and definitely the "computer" consumer brand with the most mindshare. But has Apple become too big for its boots. Can Apple successfully adapt from its market niche to be the leader. The perfectionism of Steve Jobs might not be suited for the needs of the Mass Consumer that want things quickly and not necessarily perfectly.
In the meantime I am still waiting for 4.2 and am glad that it isn't released early and buggy like what Microsoft has done over the years, particularly with Windows Vista (Windows 7 should have been a free upgrade for Vista users).
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Pleasure Principle, Flesh & Bood, Outlandos D'Amour Reviews
The Pleasure Principle, Flesh & Bood, Outlandos D'Amour Review
Even though I am using the latest audio gadgets such as the Airport Express, Apple TV, Fubar III USB Headphone DAC, Firestone Libby DAC/Headphone amp and itunes 10.1, I still am gravitated towards music of the 1975-1985 era! I now have 340GB of music and I have quite a collection.
On reflection the reason why I like the 1975-1985 period is that it due to it being the last era of Analogue before the introduction of mainstream digital recording processes. There also seems to be a great spark of creativity as muscians discovered the power of analogue synthesis and audiophile fidelity.
Today's modern popular musician lacks the creativity and innovation of that era. How can they be expected to be innovators when they are using the same technology that has been around for over a decade. Also today's music is more about mouse clicking and editing rather than real-time musicianship.
Anyway back to my reviews. These 3 albums are all before my era, and music styles changed quickly back then due to the newly emerging generation Xers and emerging music technology. As the 1970s came to a close, disco & punk were dying, disappearing just as quickly as they came. Even rock acts such as KISS came out with a Disco hit in 1979! The Generation Xers wanted to distinguish themselves differently as much as possible and were quick to use the 80s as a point of separation.
The Pleasure Principle---Gary Numan 1979
I was glad to discover this. It seems that Gary Numan disappeared from the popular conscious just as quickly as he became part of it. Coming out in 1979 this pop act help set the scene of the 1980s Synth Pop movement. Check this interview out with Molly Meldrum in 1979 when they talk about what is going to happen in the eighties!!!
The expectation of the decade had so much excitement back then!
Anyway back to the music, I was pleasantly surprised with this album. Numan had taken Bowie's obsession of the krautrockers, Kraftwerk to a more "poppy" place. Borrowing the glam look of Bowie upon sci-fi themes, Gary had changed his punk band the tubeway army to synth pop rockers! What is refreshing about this album is the use of real drums and electric bass to thick layers of moog synths!
The album opens with a lone synth and hi-hats, and then a few bars in a rocking bass line enters & an analogue synth with flange effects. Pounding drums come in next and this is the sound of Gary Numan bar vocals. Very impressive. What I like is the differentiation in sound to Kraftwerk (The most popular synth band of the 70s). The album is rocking & synthy with a heavy use of flanging & phasing.
Gary Numans vocal style is odd to say the least! Although perfect for the album, I can easily see why he faded out of popular conciousness as synth pop became more mainstream. A very listenable album that takes you to places, and reeks of nostalgia. Cars is a wonderful hit that is featured in the album and encapsulates the Numan sound.
Flesh & Bood---Roxy Music 1980
I found this album at JB-Hifi for $6!!! Not knowing what I was going to get, I was pretty sure it would be good. Having only a Bryan Ferry greatest hits and the album Avalon, I was quite confident it would be good. The other bonus is the album came out in 1980 so I knew I would hear some great analogue synths.
This album is part of the genre-breaking moves that Roxy Music made into the new era. I much prefer the smooth sounds of Roxy Music in this area than the off-tune punky antics of the 1970s. Plenty of mellow sounds here, clever use of melodic synths, and ultra-smooth bass-lines. This album is a great album to listen to do when relaxing, so mellow and it covers a lot of territory. Wonderful smooth analogue synths, cool guitar solos, sexy sax solos, cool songwriting and synth-play from ferry and this album really sets the scene for future hits such as More Than This and Avalon. Love the mellowness.
Outlandos D'Amour--The Police 1978
This was the last remaining album I needed to get to fill my collection of all The Police albums. Once again I was pleasantly surprised. I had been really disappointed with previous Police albums I have such as Regatta De Blanc 1979,expecting it to sound like Message In a Bottle & Walking On the Moon, but instead it being full of fillers.
Outlandos D'Amour is very even through out and has really cool heavy guitars, giving it a really rocky sound. Songs such as Next To You, Hole In My Life, Be My Girl are great non single tracks. A fantastic debut album from one of the best bands in history.
Even though I am using the latest audio gadgets such as the Airport Express, Apple TV, Fubar III USB Headphone DAC, Firestone Libby DAC/Headphone amp and itunes 10.1, I still am gravitated towards music of the 1975-1985 era! I now have 340GB of music and I have quite a collection.
On reflection the reason why I like the 1975-1985 period is that it due to it being the last era of Analogue before the introduction of mainstream digital recording processes. There also seems to be a great spark of creativity as muscians discovered the power of analogue synthesis and audiophile fidelity.
Today's modern popular musician lacks the creativity and innovation of that era. How can they be expected to be innovators when they are using the same technology that has been around for over a decade. Also today's music is more about mouse clicking and editing rather than real-time musicianship.
Anyway back to my reviews. These 3 albums are all before my era, and music styles changed quickly back then due to the newly emerging generation Xers and emerging music technology. As the 1970s came to a close, disco & punk were dying, disappearing just as quickly as they came. Even rock acts such as KISS came out with a Disco hit in 1979! The Generation Xers wanted to distinguish themselves differently as much as possible and were quick to use the 80s as a point of separation.
The Pleasure Principle---Gary Numan 1979
I was glad to discover this. It seems that Gary Numan disappeared from the popular conscious just as quickly as he became part of it. Coming out in 1979 this pop act help set the scene of the 1980s Synth Pop movement. Check this interview out with Molly Meldrum in 1979 when they talk about what is going to happen in the eighties!!!
The expectation of the decade had so much excitement back then!
Anyway back to the music, I was pleasantly surprised with this album. Numan had taken Bowie's obsession of the krautrockers, Kraftwerk to a more "poppy" place. Borrowing the glam look of Bowie upon sci-fi themes, Gary had changed his punk band the tubeway army to synth pop rockers! What is refreshing about this album is the use of real drums and electric bass to thick layers of moog synths!
The album opens with a lone synth and hi-hats, and then a few bars in a rocking bass line enters & an analogue synth with flange effects. Pounding drums come in next and this is the sound of Gary Numan bar vocals. Very impressive. What I like is the differentiation in sound to Kraftwerk (The most popular synth band of the 70s). The album is rocking & synthy with a heavy use of flanging & phasing.
Gary Numans vocal style is odd to say the least! Although perfect for the album, I can easily see why he faded out of popular conciousness as synth pop became more mainstream. A very listenable album that takes you to places, and reeks of nostalgia. Cars is a wonderful hit that is featured in the album and encapsulates the Numan sound.
Flesh & Bood---Roxy Music 1980
I found this album at JB-Hifi for $6!!! Not knowing what I was going to get, I was pretty sure it would be good. Having only a Bryan Ferry greatest hits and the album Avalon, I was quite confident it would be good. The other bonus is the album came out in 1980 so I knew I would hear some great analogue synths.
This album is part of the genre-breaking moves that Roxy Music made into the new era. I much prefer the smooth sounds of Roxy Music in this area than the off-tune punky antics of the 1970s. Plenty of mellow sounds here, clever use of melodic synths, and ultra-smooth bass-lines. This album is a great album to listen to do when relaxing, so mellow and it covers a lot of territory. Wonderful smooth analogue synths, cool guitar solos, sexy sax solos, cool songwriting and synth-play from ferry and this album really sets the scene for future hits such as More Than This and Avalon. Love the mellowness.
Outlandos D'Amour--The Police 1978
This was the last remaining album I needed to get to fill my collection of all The Police albums. Once again I was pleasantly surprised. I had been really disappointed with previous Police albums I have such as Regatta De Blanc 1979,expecting it to sound like Message In a Bottle & Walking On the Moon, but instead it being full of fillers.
Outlandos D'Amour is very even through out and has really cool heavy guitars, giving it a really rocky sound. Songs such as Next To You, Hole In My Life, Be My Girl are great non single tracks. A fantastic debut album from one of the best bands in history.
Apple TV, Airport Express and Computer Audiophile Network Streaming
So I have entered the dark murky depths of the Computer Audiophile underworld! Too make things more awkward I want to use wireless streaming to receive my audio signal. Shock Horror!
I have two devices at my disposal, the Airport Express N or Apple TV. Both feature optical output (which is shunned by audiophile snobs who prefer copper Sp/dif) but to me sounds great. The Apple TV uses a regular optical output whilst the Airport Express has a minijack like on the imacs, cd players and macbooks.
The bonus of the Airport Express is that it can output audio with a headphone jack but to be honest the DAC is crappy.
The advantage of the Apple TV is that it uses 8GB as cache, and therefore works better over slow networks. I had problems with dropouts with the Airport Express when joining an existing network and also when using a created network when using Windows Vista over G,no problems with Windows 7 & G).
The main problem I found with the Apple TV is that the remote on the ipod/iphone doesn't work particularly well. I found that when I setup my own network on the Airport Express the ipod/iphone remote runs better and faster and also has a slightly better interface than selecting Apple TV in the remote.
The other advantage of Airport Express is that it is running the network much closer to where the action is. The problem with Apple TV is you have to share with everyone else using the network and the WAP might be to far away. Because wireless is like a hub, there are pauses in the network when everyone has to use it (although this doesnt affect the Apple TV as it caches its stream). Therefore if you setup a separate network with just two (AX and PC) there are no interruptions. The latency on a pure N network is fantastic.
The other important settings are to make sure that you go to control panel sounds and change the default from 48k to 44k which degrades the audio. This is a silly default setting as Windows has to resample your music from 44k to 48k (Most CD"s are in the 44k format). The other is to make sure the EQ and sound enhancer are off in itunes & the volume is at full, so this ensures bit perfectness from Apple Lossless files.
Oh yeah BTW, apple lossless is the preferred format. You can use AIFF but the streaming protocol will convert it to apple lossless anyway!
I have two devices at my disposal, the Airport Express N or Apple TV. Both feature optical output (which is shunned by audiophile snobs who prefer copper Sp/dif) but to me sounds great. The Apple TV uses a regular optical output whilst the Airport Express has a minijack like on the imacs, cd players and macbooks.
The bonus of the Airport Express is that it can output audio with a headphone jack but to be honest the DAC is crappy.
The advantage of the Apple TV is that it uses 8GB as cache, and therefore works better over slow networks. I had problems with dropouts with the Airport Express when joining an existing network and also when using a created network when using Windows Vista over G,no problems with Windows 7 & G).
The main problem I found with the Apple TV is that the remote on the ipod/iphone doesn't work particularly well. I found that when I setup my own network on the Airport Express the ipod/iphone remote runs better and faster and also has a slightly better interface than selecting Apple TV in the remote.
The other advantage of Airport Express is that it is running the network much closer to where the action is. The problem with Apple TV is you have to share with everyone else using the network and the WAP might be to far away. Because wireless is like a hub, there are pauses in the network when everyone has to use it (although this doesnt affect the Apple TV as it caches its stream). Therefore if you setup a separate network with just two (AX and PC) there are no interruptions. The latency on a pure N network is fantastic.
The other important settings are to make sure that you go to control panel sounds and change the default from 48k to 44k which degrades the audio. This is a silly default setting as Windows has to resample your music from 44k to 48k (Most CD"s are in the 44k format). The other is to make sure the EQ and sound enhancer are off in itunes & the volume is at full, so this ensures bit perfectness from Apple Lossless files.
Oh yeah BTW, apple lossless is the preferred format. You can use AIFF but the streaming protocol will convert it to apple lossless anyway!
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