It has been a while since my last blog....
I have been using tumblr alot lately for my early 80s blog. What I like about tumbr, is that i can produce posts quickly, I can just put pics up and a couple of sentences.. I have been tagging all these early 80s pics in tumblr and it reminds me of the semantic contains more than a thousand words.....
more on that later...
The only things of note is the frustating bluetooth issue of Windows 8 RC. I have noticed that the RC version has enmeshed the bluetooth a whole lot more with metro than the beta and this seems to be causing issue with my Sennheiser B/T headphones. Everytime I have to restart the laptop, it loses the connection with the B/T headdphones and I have to remove it and readd them. Sometimes it gets stuck on the removing of b/t headphones and occasionally the mouse suffers this problem too. The headphones work fine in Windows 7, iphone and mac. It seems to be a metro problem and perhaps is a problem of the dual metro/windows interface..
Just had a blue screen on Win8 RC for the first time with the bluetooth problem...I was using my Win8 RC laptop trying to get the headphones to work and out of the blue crashed and restarted.
Okay My mac crashes to with Oracle's virtual box, it will just restart out of the blue, but I think virtual box is more understandable crashing than bluetooth...